
3 Tips to Protect Client Data When Working from Home

Working from home is not as easy and convenient as many people think. There are plenty of difficulties and obstacles that come with remote work. One of the main challenges that businesses face when working remotely is ensuring their clients’ data remains secure.

With malicious hackers seeking to exploit the vulnerabilities that come with working from home, it is pivotal for business owners to strengthen their companies’ data protection policies to ensure their client’s data remains safe and secure. If your company is still adopting a work from home policy, let us share three effective tips to help you and your employees protect your clients’ data.

1. Use a reliable VPN

Needless to say, the protection of your clients’ data should be one of your business’s utmost priorities. If a security breach occurs and your clients’ valuable information is leaked out, it can have severe repercussions for your company. Your organisation’s reputation is likely to take a significant hit, and potential clients will hesitate to work with you as they fear their data might be leaked as well.

To minimise the risk of a security breach, you should consider investing in a reliable virtual private network (VPN), as it can create a secure and controlled path to allow your employees to access their data remotely. However, it is vital to note that a VPN does not eliminate the risk of malicious hackers gaining access to your company’s system.

Technology continues to evolve rapidly, and what was once considered cutting-edge will become obsolete with time. Similarly, hackers continue to upgrade their skill sets to overcome any security obstacles they may encounter. Therefore, it is crucial for your IT team to take the time to update and patch your cybersecurity systems and make sure your VPN can protect your clients’ data.

2. Be informed about phishing techniques

As the work from home arrangement becomes more common, phishing attacks are also on the rise. Phishing is a form of fraud where hackers impersonate a trusted email sender to get unsuspecting recipients to click on a malicious link. Should the recipients fall for the scam, they may unknowingly install malware or ransomware on their work computers.

Phishing is a form of fraud that your employees should be made fully aware of in order to keep your clients’ sensitive data from being stolen. This includes being informed about the different kinds of phishing techniques that hackers use so they can recognise and avoid them. As a rule of thumb, it is always recommended that you and your employees double-check the sender’s identity before clicking on any link provided in the email.

3. Fine-tune your remote work policies

There is a greater onus on everyone to play their part in protecting your clients’ data when you and your employees are working from home. Given the current situation where online frauds are rampant, it is crucial for you to ensure that your employees understand the security protocols they need to follow when accessing sensitive work information. Therefore, in addition to educating your employees on the importance of protecting your clients’ data, you should also consider updating your company’s remote work security policies to ensure they remain relevant.

One last thing to note

While protecting your clients’ data should be one of your organisation’s utmost priorities, you should also remember not to neglect your company’s finances. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come with being an entrepreneur, you may want to consider outsourcing your accounting needs to a specialised firm. At Ackenting Group, we take pride in providing the most reliable accounting services in Singapore. Allow us to offer our suite of corporate accounting services to ensure you always stay on top of your company’s finances.


With data theft and online fraud increasing as organisations shift to a work from home arrangement, it has become essential for companies to upscale their data protection strategies. We recommend taking extra precautions to ensure your business does not suffer a data breach while you and your employees work remotely. Hopefully, the tips we have shared can help you ensure that your clients’ data are protected.

If you require any assistance on accounting services, feel free to drop us an email at johnwoo@ag-singapore.com or contact us at +65-66358767. At Ackenting Group, we offer a complimentary 30 minutes online consultation for us to better understand your business requirements.

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