Top 10 Audit Firms in Singapore

In the dynamic business landscape of Singapore, companies of all sizes recognize the invaluable role of top-tier audit firms. The top audit firms in Singapore stand out as trusted allies, ensuring impeccable accounting and bookkeeping records while navigating the intricacies of ACRA and IRAS regulations.


Why Opt for Professional Audit Firms in Singapore?

Choosing to engage audit firms in Singapore is a strategic move that countless businesses make to achieve their financial objectives. The expertise and professionalism offered by these audit firms are essential for ensuring compliance, transparency, and financial success.

In this comprehensive guide, we present a curated list of the top 10 audit firms in Singapore, each distinguished by its unique strengths and offerings.


KPMG Singapore:

Renowned for its experienced professionals delivering both audit and non-audit solutions, KPMG is a leader in financial processes and accounting practices.


PwC Singapore:

Boasting extensive resources, PwC is dedicated to providing expertise on both local and international scales, offering advice on approved accounting practices through its vast network.


EY Singapore:

EY’s professionals excel in aiding businesses during changes in practices, regulations, and related situations, ensuring adaptability to evolving business landscapes.


Deloitte Singapore:

Focused on developing and evolving companies, Deloitte provides a range of accounting services covering recording, organization, and analytical aspects.


RSM Singapore:

Excelling in diverse business areas, RSM suggests opportunities for improvement in operations, management, and other crucial aspects.


BDO Singapore:

Emphasizing speed and efficiency, BDO is distinguished by its extensive networks, professional team, accessibility, and up-to-date auditing information.


Foo Kon Tan:

Combining expertise and skills, Foo Kon Tan delivers an integrated collection of services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses.


Baker Tilly TFW:

Known for its young and energetic team, Baker Tilly TFW provides top-notch advice to a range of clients, from family businesses to global multinational companies.


Nexia TS Public Accounting Corporation:

Offering a full range of accounting services, Nexia TS studies clients thoroughly, determining potential risks and helping them stay abreast of updated regulations.


Crowe Horwath First Trust:

Focused on the future and client experience, Crowe Horwath establishes trust and delivers solutions to financial institutions and large companies through its international services network.

top 10 audit firms in singapore

In-Depth Insights into Select Mid-Tier Audit Firms in Singapore


AG Singapore:

Despite being relatively young, AG Singapore grows rapidly and becomes one of the top mid-tier audit firms in Singapore. A local firm with global connections, AG Singapore keeps clients well-informed to meet the demands of a fast-changing economy.

Lo Hock Ling & Co:

A medium-sized accounting and consultancy firm catering to different sectors, Lo Hock Ling & Co adds value to businesses, earning a solid reputation in various accounting and consultancy areas.

Uhy Lee Seng Chan & Co:

Employing professionals of various disciplines, Uhy Lee Seng Chan & Co plots solutions for clients’ opportunities and challenges, ensuring a comprehensive approach to accounting services.

CA Trust Pac:

Placing importance on innovative solutions, CA Trust Pac delivers unbiased and independent reports to empower clients with the best decisions for their businesses.

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing an Audit Firm in Singapore


In the vibrant business landscape of Singapore, where regulatory compliance and financial transparency are paramount, selecting the right audit firm is a critical decision for businesses of all sizes. This blog aims to guide businesses through the process of choosing an audit firm in Singapore, emphasizing key factors and considerations. Whether you’re a startup looking for compliance assurance or an established corporation seeking financial expertise, this guide will help you make an informed decision.

  1. Understanding the Role of Audit Firms:
    • Begin by explaining the crucial role that audit firms play in ensuring financial integrity, compliance with regulations, and risk management.
    • Highlight the importance of hiring a reputable audit firm to instill confidence in stakeholders and meet legal requirements.
  2. Qualities to Look for in an Audit Firm:
    • Discuss essential qualities that businesses should seek in an audit firm, including expertise, experience, reputation, and a deep understanding of industry-specific regulations.
    • Emphasize the importance of selecting a firm that aligns with the unique needs and goals of the business.
  3. Navigating Regulatory Requirements in Singapore:
    • Provide an overview of the regulatory framework governing audit firms in Singapore.
    • Explain key regulatory bodies, compliance standards, and the significance of choosing a firm well-versed in local regulations.
  4. Industry-Specific Expertise:
    • Highlight the importance of choosing an audit firm with industry-specific expertise.
    • Discuss how industry knowledge enables the audit firm to provide tailored solutions and insights relevant to the business’s operations.
  5. Client Testimonials and Case Studies:
    • Showcase the significance of client testimonials and case studies in evaluating the performance of audit firms.
    • Provide examples of successful collaborations, emphasizing positive outcomes and the value added by the audit firm.
  6. Technology and Innovation in Auditing:
    • Explore how audit firms are leveraging technology and innovation to enhance their services.
    • Discuss the benefits of tools like data analytics, automation, and artificial intelligence in improving the efficiency and accuracy of audits.
  7. Transparent Communication and Reporting:
    • Stress the importance of clear and transparent communication throughout the auditing process.
    • Discuss how a good audit firm provides comprehensive and understandable reports, fostering a collaborative relationship with the client.
  8. Cost-Effective Solutions:
    • Address the misconception that high-quality audit services must come with a hefty price tag.
    • Emphasize the importance of finding a balance between cost and value, ensuring that the audit firm provides a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality.

Conclusion: Partnering for Financial Excellence

Embark on a journey of financial excellence by choosing a trusted accounting partner from the top audit firms in Singapore like AG Singapore

  • AG Singapore is a proud member of IR Global, the premier professional services network boasting more than 1,000 member firms spanning across 155+ jurisdictions.
  • Our commitment to excellence has earned us recognition as one of Singapore’s Most Trusted Tax Service Providers by APAC Business Headlines Magazine.
  • Furthermore, we are honored to have received the esteemed OCBC Prestige Partner award in acknowledgment of our outstanding efforts and significant contributions to pioneering financial solutions.

Contact us today and experience the assurance of financial excellence with our 30 days KPI audit services in Singapore.


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