
5 Presentation Skills That Are Important In Securing Deals

When it comes to a business presentation, the objective is clear: to seal the deal. One crucial skill that can significantly help you achieve success is understanding what you are talking about. You should look to present and promote your product or service clearly and concisely.

As the bottom line is the most important in any business, your audience will be mainly focused on the financial aspects. Once you’ve seized the opportunity to spell out your business plan to a prospect, seek for a corporate accounting services firm that can ensure that you have all the necessary financial information about your business to deliver a stellar presentation and achieve the desired outcome.

However, to make sure that your message delivers a punch, here are 5 key presentation skills to help you secure important deals.

1. Have a clear message

There is a cardinal rule followed by many presenters: have something important to say. Instead of leaving audiences guessing with themselves and each other, you should put your point across to them. Distil your message into something clear, precise and concise so that everyone can understand.

One way to have a clear message is with message mapping, in which you draft your core message at the centre of a piece of paper. Around the core message, write down four points that support it. These could be market information, customer feedback or your forecasts along with your supported data.

By mastering the core message, you can ensure that you won’t stumble across your words or stray from your intended talking points during your presentation and have a clear message to say.

2. Hook the audience

Presentations are all about the audience. Sometimes they might need a little convincing to be on your side. Many audiences in business presentations have one question in common: what’s in it for them? Rather than keep them waiting for long, you can structure your presentation in such a way that the audience is informed about the purpose of the presentation early. From there, you can hook them in through explanation.

Audiences listen as they are looking to get a return on investment or to have their problems solved. Addressing this early in the presentation can hook them in and listen to the rest of the presentation.

3. Take control of the environment

Confidence is important when you are presenting. Clients and investors look for clarity, completeness of ideas and confidence whenever listening to business presentations.

If you are not sure in certain financial aspects, then reach out to one of the best audit firms in Singapore to help you out. At Ackenting Group, our team of experienced accountants ensures that you will have the right key information about your business finances. We can go through with you on the figures and statistics so you will have a clearer understanding to help along in your presentation.

4. Make the presentation a conversation

It boils down to one word: engagement. How long are you able to sustain the attention of a business executive? Studies have shown that the average human’s attention span is less than 10 minutes. If your presentation is more like a speech, you could lose the audience quicker than noticed.

One way to keep the executives engaged in your presentation is to include short stories or make attention-grabbing factual statements. Conversely, you can also ask powerful rhetorical questions to keep them engaged.

5. Be prepared to answer all questions

When you have done all the necessary steps above, it is time for you to answer any questions that prospective clients or executives might have. Thoroughly work through any enquiry that arises, especially those that could matter to your business goals.

Making a presentation on financials can be extremely difficult without all of the necessary financial information. Apart from just helping you prepare for your pitch, Ackenting Group also offers a wide range of value-added services beyond just accounting and bookkeeping services. From payroll to taxes and company incorporation, we are a one-stop solution for small businesses and large corporations.

If you require any assistance on accounting services, feel free to drop us an email at johnwoo@ag-singapore.com or contact us at +65-66358767. At Ackenting Group, we offer a complimentary 30 minutes online consultation for us to better understand your business requirements.

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